
It’s About So Much More Than Tests

Thursday, 7 June, 2018 - 4:16 pm


Why is it that full-time Jewish day schools are experiencing rising enrollments? Why, indeed, has this been the case for the last 30 years, even as tuition costs go up, too? (Marvin Schlick, A Census of Jewish Day Schools in the United States, 2013-2014, Avi Chai Foundation)

We believe we have the answer.

In today's world of DDI -- data-driven instruction -- and standardized testing, secular society seems to be sending the message that it's more about academic goals than a person’s character.

As a Jewish day school, we know the opposite is true; education is about the students’ character and knowledge.

"The most important aspect of chinuch/education is not expressed in acquiring a vast amount of knowledge (good knowledge and so forth). Rather, the main essence of chinuch is in relation to [the students'] middot/character." (Hisvaaduyos 5742, vol. 3, p 1197)

This month at Maimonides we will be celebrating the completion of our Nachas Tree, which has grown by hundreds of pieces of fruit. Each piece represents an individual and is on the Nachas Tree in recognition of outstanding behavior and character.

At MJDS, in addition to Judaics and General Studies, social-emotional well-being, and Jewish heritage, we focus on our students’ character, the very people they are and are working hard to become. It’s wonderful that full-time Jewish day schools -- like ours -- are experiencing a steady increase in enrollment. May this trend continue.       

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