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Does Your Child Stand On His Head


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Our Precious Torah Scrolls

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Educating the precious Jewish child.

By Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm, Principal, Maimonides Jewish Day School

What does this mean? Are these only poetic words?

It was the holy day of Simchat Torah. A day known for dancing and celebrating the completion of the Torah. Jews around the world gather to dance round and round holding the precious Torah scrolls.

In one synagogue in Vilna, survivors and soldiers of World War Two had gathered. Their past was full of pain and suffering but their hearts were full of hope and dreams for the future.

Craving some comfort they ran up to the Ark and opened it; only to find it empty of all Torah Scrolls.

Their hopes and dreams faded. Their comfort was gone. Where was their future if they didn't have any precious Torah scrolls?

Suddenly they noticed young Avraham in the crowd. 

In him they saw their future. 

In him they saw their hopes and dreams come true.

One soldier picked up the young child and began to dance and dance.

The others quickly followed suit as they danced round and round holding their precious "Torah". 

Our children are our "Torah"! They are our life and future of our people. To educate them is to educate our destiny and keep our nation living on.

What a responsibility.

What a privilege.

What an honor.

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