Our faculty is comprised of an exceptionally devoted group of professionals who are well-qualified and experienced. Each staff member is a model of the excitement of lifelong learning, and each year teachers dedicate many hours to continuing education in order to stay abreast of research-based best practice to bring to their teaching repertoire. 

The commitment of MJDS teachers to each child and family does not stop at the classroom door; teachers maintain ongoing communication with parents and welcome family participation.


Linda Janich

[email protected]



Andrea Cadena

[email protected]

Office Administrator


Morah Chaya Orenstein

[email protected]

Judaic Studies - Kindergarten/1st Grade


Morah Susanne Wendrow

[email protected]

General Studies- Kindergarten/1st Grade


Rabbi Eliyahu Citron

[email protected]

Judaic Studies - 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade


Morah Anna Harbaugh 

[email protected]

General Studies - 2nd Grade/ 3rd Grade


Morah Cheina Dyce 

[email protected]

Judaic Studies- Upper Elementary 


Morah Becky Seidner

[email protected]

General Studies - Upper Elementary


Rabbi Avrohom Dyce 

[email protected]

Judaic Studies - Middle School